
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

The Art of Perfect Staffing: Balancing Efficiency and Compliance in Retail

Learn how to balance efficiency and compliance to strike just the right balance for your retail store. It’s simpler than you think!

Strategic Workforce Planning and Budgeting: A Roadmap for Large Enterprises with Legion WFM

Discover the keys to effective workforce planning and budgeting so your retail business can thrive in a competitive market.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leveraging Analytics in Workforce Management Software

Discover how leveraging analytics in workforce management software enhances decision-making and optimizes business strategies for retail leaders.

The Transformative Journey of Generative AI in the Software Industry

Learn all the ways that generative AI is impacting the software industry and how Legion WFM is integrating it into their platform.

Is There Anyone Here Who Can Help Me?

It’s best to avoid scenarios where customers have to look for help. Ensure you’re perfectly staffed to meet demand through workforce management software.

Golf and Workforce Management: A Game with History Chooses Innovation

Check out the golf retailer’s scorecard for WFM software providers. Discover why Legion lands at the top.

ALDO Group Achieves Transformative Results with Legion WFM

Read more to learn how ALDO Group achieved transformative results after adopting Legion Workforce Management Software.

How AI-Native Workforce Management Benefits Enterprises

Discover how AI-native workforce management software like Legion WFM revolutionizes enterprise operations, boosting efficiency and employee satisfaction.

Workforce Compliance 101: Minimizing Risk with WFM Software

Explore how Legion can help you minimize workforce management compliance risk and protect your business from costly penalties with our expert insights.